15 July, 2012

a great thank you Deepti

After struggling with my blog for hour and then weeks, i couldn"t formulate my blog...!! not that I wanted it to be some supertech fashion thing... but possibly something which associated with me.. I had given up.
And then something good happened.... and that was Deepti.
I had heard about her tweaking through INFB, and twitter...!!! she tweated that she is giving a chance to first five bloggers who approach he for complimentary tweaking, and here i got this lucky chance....!!!!

She has done a fabulous job, but not only giving my blog a cleaner and crisper look.. but she actually kept in mind of all the little things that reflect my personality in the blog..!!!

So here is The new look of my blog....and all the credit goes to Deepti,if any of you is looking for a blog make-over, she is the right person..



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